APNA KHAYAL RAKANA GOOD NIGHT & SWEET DREAMS. jhonyen2000 4 weeks ago. ______$$$$$$_$$` ___$$__$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$ ___$$$$__$$$$__$$$$____$$ ___$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$_____$$ ____$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$___$$ __$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$$$$ __$$$$$$__$$__$$$$$$$$ _$$ .... After a week of vacation with the family went back happy and with lots of good energy. Tomorrow I go back to normal and my sweet girls each repeating frame blessed School Love you and send a big hug. Love always and forever ...
ini kisah cinta XD ( diambil dri rakan ) ? 4:06 AM |. Pada Suatu Hari , Usop Jendul Nak Belikan Hadiah Harijadi Untuk Kekasih Barunya , Mek Ayu. So Si Usop Ni Pun Ajaklah Adik Perempuan Sepupunya Untuk Temankan Dia Shopping Kat SOGO. ...